Multilin D60
Line Distance Protection System
The D60 is suitable for protecting transmission lines and cables including lines equipped with series compensation. The D60 supports dual-breaker applications and can be applied in single-pole or three-pole tripping applications. The D60 is applicable to different teleprotection schemes and includes inter-relay protection communications via direct fiber as well as different interfaces. The D60 also provides synchrophasor measurement over Ethernet per IEEE C37.118.
Key Benefits
Five zone quad or mho, phase and ground distance protection
Advanced IEC 61850 Ed. 1 and Ed. 2 certified implementation, complete settings via SCL files and IEC 61850-9-2 process bus solution ensures interoperability, device managing optimization and reduced cost of ownership
Routable GOOSE (R-GOOSE) enables GOOSE messages going beyond the substation, which enables wide area protection and control applications
Reliable and secure protection on series-compensated lines
Superior phase selection algorithm
Supports multiple standard pilot schemes
Flexible programmable logic for building customized schemes
Simplified teleprotection interfaces with direct I/O communications
Robust network security enabling Critical Infrastructure Protection
Phasor Measurement Unit (synchrophasor) according to IEEE® C37.118 (2011) and IEC® 61850-90-5 support
Application flexibility with multiple I/O options including high density I/O, programmable logic, modularity, and specific customization
An integrated large, full colour display, provides real-time visualization and control of the protected bay, via a bay mimic as well as annunciator functionality and graphical visualization of phasors
Overhead lines including series-compensated lines and underground cables
Single and dual-breaker circuits requiring single pole/three-pole autoreclosing
Circuits with in-zone power transformers
Secure application with CCVTs backup protection for generators, transformers and reactors

D60 Brochure
D60 manual