The MINITRANS is a low-cost on-line discrete multi-gas DGA transformer monitoring unit.
Based on the same core technology as the highly successful TRANSFIX, the MINITRANS is a lower cost alternative, monitoring three key gases: Hydrogen, Acetylene and Carbon Monoxide (in ppm) plus moisture in oil (%RH & ppm). The measurement of these gases allows the user to detect a wide range of developing faults including arcing.
Transformer faults detected in their infancy, minimizing costly unplanned outages and equipment failure.
Type of fault may be indicated from results.
Photo Acoustic Technology – no costly consumables/calibration gases required.
DGA & Humidity – Three fault gases (Hydrogen, Acetylene and Carbon Monoxide) plus moisture.
Easy Installation – Simple, straightforward procedures.
Hourly Sampling – Real-time DGA results down to once per hour.
Communication Options – Extensive local and remote communications options.
Alarm Settings – Sophisticated programmable alarm system.
Acceleration of sampling rate – automatic increase in sampling rates if gas concentrations exceed caution or alarm settings.
Minimal Maintenance – Reduces expense and inconvenience for user.
Medium and large sized transformers.
Low/medium risk and/or consequence of failure.
Distribution, Transmission and industrial transformers.
Discrete level of gases for entry level diagnostics.

Kelman MINITRANS Brochure